Support Chabad!


The Chabad Jewish Center in Mansfield serves the religious and the non-observant, the affiliated and non-affiliated, young and old and all in between.

Chabad reaches out to all who are in need and assists them with their financial and emotional needs as well as serving the community at large by offering programs and classes for all ages.

From toddlers to seniors, all have a place and feel welcome at Chabad.


Here are some of the ways you can contribute to the Chabad Jewish Center:

Donate Online

 You can donate online right now with a Credit Card, PayPal or QuickPay by  clicking here and filling out our secure donation page.

Secure Online Donation

Monthly Partner

A unique and simple way to help and really make a difference with little pain on your end. Join the exclusive group of existing monthly donors - the Chai Club partners by clicking here.

  Become a Monthly Partner

Goods n Services

Chabad accepts donations of cars, in fair or good condition.  Contact us to make arrangements and get more information. You can also donate working PC's, office equipment, services and the like.

Planned Giving

This is your moment to hold hands across the generations. This is your moment to ensure a Jewish future that is spiritual and meaningful. This is your moment to leave a Jewish legacy.
Planned Giving builds Judaism where it is needed most, in your local community. From preschool to day school, visiting the sick or comforting the poor, this is your moment to make a difference. Join with us through the loving act of planned giving by leading your community to a strong and vibrant future. This is your Moment. 
Call Rabbi Yossi to discuss leaving a Legacy to Chabad (508) 339-8767  

Who we serve

The Chabad Jewish Center is dedicated to providing every Jew regardless of background, philosophy or level of commitment, an open door environment for strengthening and enhancing Jewish family life.
Chabad serves individuals and families looking for an anchor and non-judgmental, accepting, personalized Jewish experience.
Chabad offers Judaism with a smile and a home away from home for everyone who walks through its doors. More About Us...»

Can we count on YOU?

Chabad is dedicated to strengthening Jewish identity, unity and commitment.
We cannot do this alone.
We count on support from people known for their benevolence, sincerity and sensitivity to the needs of all mankind.
Thank you for being our partner!
The Chabad Jewish Center is a registered 501(c)3 charity.
All contributions are tax deductible, and go towards helping local people in YOUR community.
No funds are distributed elsewhere.