
Project 120

120 Lights in Honor of the Rebbe

  • Celebrating the Rebbe's 120th Birthday

  • Be an Ambassador of Light

  • Become an  Ambassador of Light  in honor of the Rebbe 's upcoming 120th birthday.

    An  Ambassador of Light  is one who inspires oneself or others to add light to the world by doing a new Mitzvah that is either one time or ongoing.

    Examples may be to don Tefillin , light Shabbos candles , put a Mezuzah on your doorpost utilizing the Free Mezuzah Program , sending a Challah for Shabbos utilizing Loaves of Love , attending a Torah class , giving charity , Start daily Torah study online , learn about the imminent coming of Moshiach  or any other Mitzvah of choice.

    Each "Light" will be saved in the special Light box in the Chabad House Jewish Center lobby.

    Our goal is to collect 120 new Lights by April 12, 2022, the 11th of Nissan, the birthday of the Rebbe.

    The lights will be brought to the Rebbe as a birthday gift to him in honor of his contribution to world Jewry and humanity and to our community in particular.

    You can be an ambassador.

    Bring light and share light with everyone around you.

    Fill out the form below to document your light. 

  • Should be Empty:
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